Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Josh's 32nd Birthday

Yesterday was Josh's 32nd birthday! Josh went golfing early with his dad, and ended up shooting his best game ever. He shot a 79, and was very excited. While he was golfing the kids made him cards. We then decided to go shopping for presents, and because our shopping options were limited here in Lake LA, we went shopping at the local dollar store. It was cute, the kids were so excited to pick out his presents. He ended up getting 3 wiffle balls, Laker markers, a lead pencil and lead, a milky way, butterscotches, pixy sticks and the wonderful kiddie mix. Brayden picked out spaghetti for dinner and we made a cake. Although it wasn't all that elaborate it was a wonderful day!


Jeff & Venna 39 said...

That was cute..... Your a really special woman who has really treated this old man special... Thank you Rachelle....

Raych said...

Isn't the dollar store great?? Jason loves it 'cause he know I didn't spend too much on stuff he probably won't use anyway. hehe.
What a fun day for him, good wife!

Jeff & Venna 39 said...

When are you going to write about Tanner cleaniing the dust pan?